
This work has been carried out as part of a collaborative working agreement between Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Roche Products Ltd.
Harnessing the power of data and AI to drive personalised healthcare:
A playbook for health Industry-NHS collaboration
Finding ways for the NHS and industry to work together to use the huge amounts of patient data that are generated, in an ethical, effective and secure way, could greatly impact clinical care, improve the working lives of clinical teams, and ensure that the NHS, in combination with industry, supports the development of novel treatments that deliver targeted care in a sustainable way.
Our long-term partnership with Roche UK was established in 2021 to harness the power of data and artificial intelligence to co-develop digital tools aimed at identifying better ways to care for children and young people with rare and complex diseases.
We’re incredibly proud of our collaboration to date, which has already been used in an NHS England Guide To Effective NHS Data Partnerships as an example of a successful NHS data partnership that offers positive patient, healthcare system and societal impact.
We have created a playbook of learnings where we outline our experiences of the start of our partnership journey; what has gone well and what hasn’t, and how we have worked in partnership to harness the best from two very different cultures across the NHS and industry.
In the playbook we provide candid and constructive reflections on real-world issues, barriers and potential mitigations, moving from strategy to sustainable impact, all of which can be scalable across the NHS and beyond.
We hope this will be a useful guide for other healthcare organisations interested in working towards the future of health using healthcare data.

Detailed learnings and recommendations from the first two years of the partnership have also been published as a peer-reviewed article in the Royal College of Physicians Future Healthcare Journal.​​
November 2024 | M-GB-00020552